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from-the-blogWelcome to Make Waves! Here, we are dedicated to learning how to start and build your unique wave or change. Waves can be big or small, bold or a first small step and they can start in a community, an organization or the marketplace. Anywhere. Waves begin with you.

I wrote Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life to explore change in a different way. In my business world, change can seem like a strategy document, a project plan or methodology. A thing. Yet, I could see that under all of those changes – of all shapes and sizes – were people who had the right idea to start or contribute and decided to act. People like you.

The most fascinating part of writing my book was the research I did studying Wave Makers™. This is what I call those who started a change in their world – whether it was a Major League baseball team, a community of parents struggling with a diagnosis, bringing a new concept to the market, or changing the policies of a neonatal intensive care unit. Their stories are sprinkled throughout my book. I hope they will be as instructional and inspirational for you as they were for me.

Let’s continue the learning and sharing here. In this blog, I’ll share stories of the Wave Makers in my book and those that you nominate on this site. I selected the Wave Makers in Make Waves by asking those I trusted, ‘Who do you know that is a Wave Maker?’ Almost everyone had a short pause and then their face lit up as someone came to mind. Who are the Wave Makers in your world? Let’s share these stories with each other so that we can learn more about what one person can do to start and sustain a wave.

I’ll also share my thoughts on change from an individual’s point of view. And, we’ll continue to expand our posts from our PeopleResults team too where we’ll discuss a broader range of topics on the people side of business.

Thanks for being here and I welcome your comments, ideas and Wave Maker stories.  I look forward to learning together.