Wendy H. Steele, an inspirational figure for women in philanthropy

Speaking and Workshops 

Patti Johnson shares how to get comfortable being uncomfortable in complex change, strategic communications and, providing practical tools and strategies that helps the audience learn to change.

Patti’s Speaking & Workshop Topics

Patti brings her expertise from her life and career experiences to starting and leading change, strategic communications, building consulting capability, and leading in complexity. These topics can be planned as a speaking engagement or a workshop designed to help your organization learn to change.

Be a Wave Maker

Learn to change how you think and work so you can start and lead a change. This session goes beyond a change model and explores the differentiating behaviors in times of ambiguity. We discuss how to understand your stakeholders, assess resistance, start working differently – and take the first step. This topic utilizes content from Patti’s best-selling book, Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life.

Leading Change that Works

Explore the Think.Know.Do model and how to apply it. We’ll identify the thoughts and behaviors that increase our comfort and confidence in starting change. We’ll work on identifying your learning gap as you can’t already know all you need to know in any change. Then, we’ll explore how to plan and manage your work in a changing environment. This utilizes the content from Patti’s best-selling book, Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life.

How to Be a Strategic Communicator

We’ll discuss the Strategic Communications framework of defining your goals, identifying how you want to show up, studying your audience, designing an engaging communications experience, and the prep and planning for sharing your story. We’ll also explore how to have the right mindset that prepares you for successful communication.

Consulting: Inside & Out

Consulting is an art that requires knowledge, savvy communication skills, understanding your clients, and delivering what matters most. Patti brings her expertise from building a successful consulting business and leading it through acquisition, as well as her experience at Accenture. She shares important habits and practices through real-life stories and examples. She will engage the audience and support the advancement of consulting capability in your organization.

Women Who Lead: Real Life Tips & Strategies

Patti shares practical strategies and tips for making your definition of success a reality as a female leader in business today. She brings her experiences as a successful leader, entrepreneur, Board member, and CEO to explore women’s leadership, including identifying unintended consequences, using your voice and communication pitfalls, as well as bringing your authenticity to any environment. This session discusses and highlights current examples and situations we can learn from.